Career Passion Project

Are you seeking more direction, clarity and fulfillment in your career?

Enroll in Course

“Your life is a story of transition. You are always leaving one chapter behind while moving on to the next.”



90% video content

Minimal text and audio recordings

Over 15 hours of video content

More than 125 short videos

15 online tutorials

PDF guide to accompany the Career Dream Storm Questions + Bonus Questions

PDF workbook to support you through the Prioritizing & Clarifying Questions

Amazing resource section to deepen your learning

Research-based PPT lessons with video

Step-by-step video tutorials for online resources & worksheets

Format of Program

  • The entire course is delivered online.
    • Asynchronous = no personal interaction with myself as the educator.
    • Independent or self-study program that you complete at your own pace.
    • No group forums, discussions or personalized answers to your questions.
  • Designed for educational purposes only: This program is not intended to replace the expertise or guidance of working one on one with a helping professional, whether it be a psychologist, therapist, counsellor, or coach.
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

William James

Who is the Career Passion Project for?

Are you:

  • Hoping to gain more self-awareness and self-understanding about who you are and what you want in your career?
  • Wanting to expand your horizons and explore new possibilities for your career?
  • Seeking more clarity and direction with your career and life as a whole?
  • A human-being wanting more purpose, meaning and fulfillment in your career?
  • Yearning to weave your interests or values into your work and life?
  • Planning on making meaningful shifts or big changes in your career direction or focus?
  • Ready to adopt an experimental attitude, take action on your ideas, and gain momentum with your learning?

If you’ve said “yes” to any of the above, this program can help! It’s never too early or late to begin designing your career in ways that are congruent with your values

Do you also consider yourself to be:

  • A psychologically-minded and introspective individual who is looking to enhance their career planning and decision-making abilities?
  • A person who can invest at least several hours of time into online learning?
  • Someone who is open-minded, curious, and open to understanding how chance and serendipitous events are just as important to the planning process?

  • Enjoy reflection and being asked big and sometimes complex questions?

Is this you? Then you might love embracing this online learning journey with myself.

Alright, if you're:

  • Considering more education this program will help clarify what is important to you so you can feel more confident in your action steps.
  • Struggling with over-thinking your future then the education, exercises, and skills in this course may help you.

This program will help you gain the necessary career development and planning skills that you can apply throughout your life to feel more confident in your decision-making processes.

After all, career decisions are a continual process and never a one-time event.

If you meet the descriptions above, then you might be able to benefit from this online course.

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think!”

Albert Einstein

What The Career Passion Project Offers

I have packed so much information into this online program.

Do you need help in exploring your options and identifying what is possible? I can help you to expand the number of these options in meaningful ways.

Perhaps you are ready to gain direction and more clarity on your future career? I will help you to sift through the abundance of opportunities that you might be considering.

For some of you this might look like gaining clarity on choosing your academic major, trade, business, or graduate program, and for others this might look like helping you to identify specific occupations and roles.

If you’re thinking of making a career change, regardless of the stage in your career, this program is designed to help you get clearer on who you are, and what you need.

Maybe you're at a point in your journey where you need to let go of previous plans and goals and reconsider a new path? There is always room for changing what doesn't work.

Here's What You Get

A brief overview of the ‘career passion’ research that highlights the possible benefits of weaving your interests, meaning, and related skills (and more) into your work.

A critical examination of career passion myths and dangers, as well as what our interests, skills, and values are, along with their unique intersections and roles in your life long career development.

Over 75 exploratory career dream storm questions that help you explore your career identity today!

Address and normalize your career-decision making fears and anxieties.

Consider 40 perspective-based questions to help clarify and prioritize your career path options

Tips on how to break through normal experiences of decision-making ‘analysis-paralysis

What to consider when choosing your first academic major or educational program, or even your 2nd, 3rd, or 4th program!

Concrete tools to identify career path options, interests, skills, and SO much more!

BONUS: An incredible resource section with my favourite resources and recommended readings that you can access for free on the internet.

“Education is one thing no one can take away from you.”

Elin Nordegren

Bonus Research Section

    An Introduction to the Science & Concepts Behind Career “Passion”

  • Learn the unique role that our interests, skills, and sense of meaning (and more) play in our career development.
  • Understand the possible benefits of weaving them into your career and life roles.
  • Based on meta-analyses, review studies, and experimental research in both psychology and the career development field, begin to articulate key benefits of identifying and exploring how your values, interests, skills, well-being and personality contribute to more effective career planning and decision making.
  • Understand the science and hype behind why people get passionate about pursuing their interests for their work.
  • Based on psychological research studies you will learn to identify at least 10 potential benefits of integrating your interests into your work and life roles.
  • Learn the multiple ways in which you can apply your interests in your work and life. This is not a simplistic concept.
  • Identify fascinating links between your interests and your skills & abilities!

    Find out how pursuing interests may increase your well-being and job satisfaction.

  • Learn what is rarely talked about in career conversations that makes following your ‘passion’ a positively reinforcing process.
  • Discover how to leverage this knowledge and apply it to your work regardless of whether or not you’re interested in your work.
  • Uncover the connection between doing interesting work and experiencing a sense of vigor, feeling more fulfillment in your life, and gaining greater life purpose and meaning.
  • Identify one of the internal resources within you that might be more powerful than self-discipline at helping your follow your big career goals or making daunting career transitions such as going back to school.
  • Learn how embracing your interests can help you persist through tough times in your career, especially when building a new career path.
  • Find out what might act as a buffer to challenging times in your career such as during setbacks and times of uncertainty.
  • And SO much more!

    Learn the Fascinating Research Behind the Powerful Role that Skills Play in Our Career.

  • Realize the benefits of becoming aware of your skills and abilities and how this can help you to succeed in pursuing your education.
  • Discover how gaining a sense of competency in your work may help you to cultivate interest in the work that you’re doing
  • Learn the question you need to ask yourself to determine whether your skills and abilities alone will be enough to build a successful or satisfying career
  • Understand the powerful role that our beliefs and confidence play with respect to taking initiative on tasks and completing them.
  • Find out what longitudinal research suggests about which factors might predict your school grades, degree level, and overall persistence in school.
  • Name the type of self-knowledge that may contribute to your success not only at work and school, but also in sports and other areas of your life.
  • Learn what meta-analyses reveal is a key predictor of good job performance and persevering at work.
  • Accelerate your career goal setting process by learning about a synergistic funnel of energy and how you can cultivate this.
  • Find out how to leverage your skills and interests to maximize flow, productivity & creativity
“Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning.”

Gloria Steinem

The Career Dream Storm

When did you last give yourself permission to have time and space to self-reflect and imagine the possibilities for your career path?

Imagine if after completing the career dream storm you began to experience more clarity on your career identity compared to before? Would that be worth your time?

Remember, we’re always growing and changing. We don’t stay the same.

This educational program provides you with a guided self-reflection to help you carefully consider who you are today, and what your needs are as you design, shape, and take action on your career path.

First we begin with:

Understanding the Sizzling Science on Career Interests and Passion.

  • Learn about concepts of “fit”, and why they have been a popular focus of research for many decades.
    • List several benefits of finding a good “fit” in the context of your work.
    • Articulate potential drawbacks to this concept and how it can be disadvantageous to your carving out your career path.
  • Understand how knowing our interests may predict several important outcomes related to our career trajectory and success in life.
  • Discover the chained links that researchers have found between our interests, motivation, goal-setting and achievement, and why it may hold significance for your career path.
  • Discover the powerful and multi-faceted nature of interests, and several ways to think outside the box when weaving your interests into your work and life. It’s more than meets the eye!
  • Learn to define what interests are, what they aren’t, and their specific functions.

In The Career Dream Storm Exercise You Will:

  • Awaken deeper layers of who you are, and what you want in your career.
  • Discover a more meaningful and refreshing alternative to doing a vocational assessment.
  • Learn concrete strategies and processes to gain self-awareness and self-understanding through reflective practice exercises.
  • Participate in a guided self-assessment (Career Dream Storm) exercise that consists of over 75 open-ended reflective questions to help you discover deeper layers of self-knowledge and wisdom as it pertains to your future career paths.
  • Learn to analyze your answers and find the bigger picture meaning behind your skills, values, interests and more.
  • Gain peace of mind that you’ve engaged in self-reflection with the purpose of making more informed career decisions.

Immerse Yourself in Examining your Values

  • Define what values are and the beneficial role they may play in your career and life planning.
  • List key differences and striking similarities between values and interests; and how they work together!
  • Discover several specific ways in which examination of our values can get us unstuck when we aren’t sure about our career interests and goals
  • How values can help you live a more authentic life
  • Define intrinsic and extrinsic values, and the possible benefits and drawbacks of each type of value in relation to your career path.

Discover the Incredible Power of Identifying & Applying your Skills, Abilities and Talents

  • Understand the benefits of identifying and articulating your skill sets, as well as pursuing work that builds on your skills.
  • Distinguish between something you’re good at versus something you’re interested in. Learn how we confuse skills and interests when we make our career decisions.
  • Learn about an unanticipated benefit of pursuing work based on your skills, even if you don’t enjoy using those skills or like your job.
  • Understand the unique link between your self-efficacy and your interests, and how you can use this to boost your career satisfaction.
  • Discover the unique benefits of having self-efficacy or confidence in yourself and your abilities.
  • Learn about a simple and common exercise that you can do that is so powerful yet probably taken for granted by most people. Discover how this can increase your self-efficacy.
  • Explore the drawbacks of identifying and reflecting on your skills and accomplishments particularly when feelings of failure or memories of setbacks occur.
    • Find out a few potential benefits of reflecting on personal setbacks in your life – it might be a surprise!
  • Learn various types of skill sets and why this knowledge is important to your career.
“All transitions are composed of an ending, a neutral zone and a new beginning.”

William Bridges

Learn more about Your Personality, Mental-Health & Well-Being Needs

  • Understand why attending to your mental health & well-being is crucial to promoting satisfaction in your work
  • Define personality, personality traits, and discuss the various ways in which personality is talked about in the context of career development and planning
  • Understand how various definitions of personality may overlap with our skills or interests. Yes, all these constructs are connected!
  • Name one key takeaway on why personality matters regardless of the specific definition
  • Learn the stage of development when our personality is most stable
  • Be able to articulate your own unique needs with respect to your mental-health and well-being at work.
  • Understand why it’s important to reflect your ideal lifestyle, leisure needs and even your hobbies, and what implications it might have for your career.
  • Get clear on aspects of your dream workplace environment, and identify several questions to ask yourself about your preferred workplace environment
“She knew this transition was not about becoming someone better, but about finally allowing herself to become who she’d always been.”

Amy Rubin

Clarifying Your Career Direction

Help! I have NO idea what career path directions, options, and jobs exist! I’m SO lost!

I will help you to brainstorm and name a few different career directions (and even specific occupations if needed)

  • Get concrete steps and recorded tutorials to generate a list of professional career path options that you are considering.
  • Learn how to apply your self-reflection to help you discern between your most compatible jobs and career paths, career transitions, educational programs and courses, and other choices around volunteer, committee or board positions, or particular professional development.
  • Discover ways to use your self knowledge as your criteria in helping you evaluate key decisions in your career development journey.
  • Embrace your self-awareness and learn how to explore, expand upon, and then clarify, narrow, and articulate your skills, interests, well-being needs as well as other important aspects of yourself that you believe might be important in your career decision-making process.

Maybe you’re already aware of detailed options, however, you struggle to choose a general direction or focus?

Do You Struggle with Analysis-Paralysis When it’s Time to Make Decisions?

If so, I can help! You will learn to:

  • Discover your own unique style of decision-making, and how you can apply this to various aspects of your career development and planning.
  • Choose from several strategies backed by research to help you engage in your decision-making process.
  • Name a common myth of career decision-making which may help to reduce stress and pressure, and improve the quality of your career planning.
  • Identify 7 thinking traps that might prevent you from moving forward with your career development and actions.
    • Consider examples of how to embrace more effective mindsets that will assist you.
  • Examine 4 common fears that might arise during the context of career planning, and examples of how a person might manage those fears to get unstuck
  • Learn to identify and name your own personal beliefs and thoughts that may be contributing to holding you back from finding more satisfaction in your career.
  • Accelerate your ability to make more effective career and education decisions.

Let’s Begin Prioritizing Together

Are you finding it hard to clarify or prioritize your many ideas for your future? Depending where you are in your career development, you might not even be ready to prioritize and choose a direction. This is normal and expected. It may also be important to focus on expanding all your options first. If this is you, you’ll especially enjoy the earlier parts of this course.

But for some of you, you might have already generated many different options for yourself.

Perhaps you’re feeling drained from a “scattered-brain”? Or maybe you’re feeling stuck in that common feeling of “analysis paralysis”?

Are you jumping aimlessly from one job or educational program to the next, not really knowing what you are doing or what is going to make you feel satisfied?

If this is you, it is my hope that this program will help you get unstuck!

It’s normal to feel scattered and lost – by the way, it’s all a natural part of the career development process and how we learn about who we are and what we’re interested in.

But, many folks find themselves constantly procrastinating out of confusion and fear of making the wrong decisions about their education and career. It can rob a person of their ability to be open-minded and experiment with helpful action steps and to learn more.

I always tell people, there is no such thing as right or wrong (you’ll hear this many times in my course), however, I GET that you want to be more intentional in your career choices.

Sometimes we feel excited yet overwhelmed by all of our great ideas but then we lack the focus and clarity to make a decision or find a direction that we feel confident about. This is such a normal part of the career development journey…

If you’re experiencing any of the above, you’re a completely normal human-being! But, I can still help you with your goals of finding more direction…

We can be lost and confused AND gain direction at the same time!

Okay, have you ever experienced the following?

You have finished your education but you’re still unsure of what you want to do?

Have you invested in an education only to feel like you’ve reached another cross-road again, and you aren’t sure how to proceed?

    Together, We Will Prioritize and Clarify Your Career Path Options

  • Receive over 30 examples of perspective-taking questions to help you think flexibly about which career path directions might be compatible for you.
  • Consider prioritizing perspectives that are based on whichever of your personal needs are most important to you.
  • For example, there are perspectives that highlight your well-being needs, entrepreneurial interests, growth and advancement, your interests, and maximizing best use of your skills, and more!
  • Discover the power of asking yourself helpful questions and learn some of the drawbacks of using others’ perspectives and questions.
  • Learn how to evaluate if a question you’re asking is helpful. Deconstruct the assumptions and values behind the questions we ask ourselves.

Can you relate to this? Many people do!

You have the experience of “shiny-object syndrome” that prevents you from working toward what truly matters?

You are passionate and interested in SO many different things and it prevents you from taking any action at all?

I know what this feels like, and so I’ve developed many perspective-taking questions to help you explore and refine your career direction. I also share my own personal experiences and stories to normalize this!

    First, I’ll help you to try on prioritizing perspectives based on what interests you. Together we will:

  • Reflect on the ways in which your motivation and ability to take action might impact each of your career path choices.
  • Try on perspectives that encourage you to examine the role that your commitmen and renewed interest might play with each of your choices over the longer-term.
  • Consider perspectives that help you review past experiences for clues on which career paths might be the most satisfying.
  • Ponder the unique role that money and finances may play in consideration of each of your career path options.

Now, have you ever experienced the following?:

You feel stuck because you’re good at TOO many things?

You’re stuck because you know you’re capable of doing and learning whatever you set your mind to?

Perhaps you worry about what skills you have, if any? You doubt and question yourself?

Or, you maybe worry that you’re a jack of all trades and master of none?

I know how painful this can feel! It can spin us in circles!

These experiences are completely normal to have, however it doesn’t mean they need to paralyze us from moving forward and taking steps with what’s important.

    Let me help you gain clarity by considering some unique perspectives based on your skills, abilities and talents!:

  • Experiment with 7 thought-provoking questions that highlight the unique role of your strengths in prioritizing your options.
  • Questions to help you evaluate how important it is to strive to be your absolute best in your work.
  • Consider perspectives that highlight issues around the importance of having control and autonomy over your skill development
  • Reflect on how important the values of achievement, advancement, competitiveness and linearity is in relation to choosing your next career path.
  • Consider the unique role of your strengths versus weaknesses, and what this means for making your decisions.
  • Discover the ironic connection between interests and skills as you clarify your career direction
  • Try on perspectives that highlight strategic thinking, and discover what relevance if any it plays in your decision making.
“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly.”

Anonymous Proverb

Is This You?

Since the pandemic, I really want to find a way to work remotely or have my own business but I have no idea what to do.

I really want to start a business but the options are endless! What should I do?

I have so many hobbies and want to turn one of them into a money-making opportunity but just can’t figure out what direction to head in.

Gosh, aren’t these the questions so many of us have been asking...?

    Together, we’ll do some prioritization based on entrepreneurial perspectives:

  • Compare and contrast your business and entrepreneurship ideas by considering what I refer to as the entrepreneurial multiplication of outcomes factor, and how this principle might help you leverage your business success.
  • Drawing on the success of Disney World and Google, consider insights from these company’s growth that might help you to prioritize your own business ideas.
  • Examine which options have the “Disney entrepreneurial spark”
  • Consider how compatible your own values are with entrepreneurship, and each of your possible ideas.

Do you Say this To Yourself?

I know my values and skills, however, I can’t seem to figure out which career fields would be best for me to focus on.

I know what I want to do but I don’t know which companies or sectors I’m interested in working for.

All the prioritization perspectives in this course will help you to gain some clarity on these questions...

    I will also help you to consider ways of prioritizing based on your well-being and workplace culture needs:

  • Learn how to consider the unique needs of your own mental health and how each career path option might impact this.
  • Review which career paths might help you to maintain your sense of well-being or be conducive to improving it.
  • Consider various perspectives that draw on your own cultural identity, and the cultural identity of the workplaces that you are considering.


This Program Just Wasn’t Complete Until I Included the Following:

Learn how to Breakthrough Analysis-Paralysis in Your Decision-Making

10 videos to help you figure out multiple mental pathways and specific actions to help manage “analysis-paralysis” and get yourself unstuck from indecision.

Your brain loves to protect you (which can feel like getting paralyzed), but sometimes you need to move past this and gain some momentum!

Are You Planning on Taking More Education?

Enhance your confidence and decision making before you invest in more education and courses

Do you ever feel intimidated by all the jobs and career paths that exist, and don’t have a clue which direction to go?

No problem - I’ll provide you with my “Best Tips” on How to Choose an Academic Program or University/College Major:

  • Learn several strategies and perspectives that will help you gain clarity on which educational program or major might be most compatible.
  • Gain perspectives that take the pressure off making the “right” decision. There is no right or wrong...

Can you relate to this?

Are you worried about enrolling in another educational program or degree only to still feel confused about your career direction?

Have you signed up and dropped out of several educational or degree programs?

Is your savings account now empty because you keep changing your mind on what education to pursue? Many of us have been here before!

If you’re returning to school again and want to invest wisely, I might be able to help you. You’ll learn tips on how to choose your 2nd, 3rd or even 4th educational program!

More than ever people are returning to school because it’s common to change careers MULTIPLE times throughout your life!

  • Discover some pointers to keep in mind when returning to school later in life or for a second educational degree or program.
  • Learn to clarify what you’re really hoping to achieve by returning to school with these several principles.

What if I still don’t know what I want to do?

If you’re still feeling lost, confused, and stuck I also have a final section on some strategies that might contain more creative solutions for you.

So, - are you excited to start this online learning journey with me?

But first, let’s be realistic, also.

Warning: This program is not for you if you’re:

  • Looking for a quick cookie-cutter solution, that gives you super specific advice. This program may not be helpful. In fact, it might frustrate you even more!
  • Wanting one-track simplistic advice such as “just do what you’re good at”, “follow your passion/purpose,” “just identify your values”, “follow the money”, or “do what’s in-demand”, - then you might be disappointed.
  • Needing one-on-one personalized assistance such as coaching or counselling.
  • Wanting help with resumes, cover letters, your job search or learning to sell yourself while networking. Nope, that’s not part of this journey.

This program does not aim to give you the one answer or secret to a fulfilling career but rather helps you do the difficult work of self-reflection and understanding of what is most important to you throughout your career development.

This program is designed to help provided a meaningful direction or clarity, one that enables you to take action steps moving forward...

About the Author

Allison Foskett is a Registered Psychologist and owner of Diamond Career Counselling & Psychological Services in Edmonton, Alberta.

She provides counselling to adults and couples, and treats a broad range of concerns including workplace and career concerns; depressive, anxiety, as well as trauma and stressor-related disorders.

Her passion and dedication for educating others can be witnessed through several years of experience planning and delivering educational workshops for organizations, as well as, acting as an Instructor and Teaching Assistant for courses at the undergraduate and master’s level.

Her effort to advance psychological research and education can be found in her academic presentations as well as her two published psychological self-help books. Allison holds a Hons. B.A. from the University of Western Ontario, a Master’s of Science degree in Counselling Psychology from the University of Calgary, and a PhD in Counselling Psychology from the University of Alberta.

Curriculum - Overview of Content

  Common Troubleshooting FAQ - Please Read
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Career Passion Project - Introduction to Career Planning and Development
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Definition of Career Development
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Double-Edge Sword of Career Planning - Examining Concepts of Decision-Making, Certainty, Clarity and 'Planning'
Available in days
days after you enroll
  What's all the Hype about Career Passion and Interests? Brief Review of the Research
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Multiple Gateways into Understanding Career Interests and "Passion" - It's More Than Meets the Eye!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Career Dream Storm: Exploration and Self-Assessment (Interests Section)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Career Dream Storm - Exploration of Your Skills
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Keys to Unlock Your Gifts and Talents - Get Started Now
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Career Dream Storm - Grounding Yourself in Your Values
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Personality and Well-Being Needs
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Career Dream Storm - Hobbies, Leisure and Lifestyle Needs
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Where Do I Belong?: "Dream" Workplace Environment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Making Sense of the Entire Career Dream Storm
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Expand Your Horizons: Brainstorm Career Path Options
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Decision Making Process
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Review and Choose a Career Clarity & Decision Making Tool
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Normalize and Cope with Decision Making Fears
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Clarifying and Prioritizing Your Action Steps and Career Path Direction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Breaking Through "Analysis-Paralysis" aka Over-Thinking: Decision-Making Tips
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Academic Decision-Making: Choosing Your Educational Major
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Returning to School: Decision Making for Choosing Your 2nd, 3rd or 4th Educational Program
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Goal Setting and Action Steps
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Resource Section
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

You will have a minimum of 6 months to access and complete this course.

If you’re aren’t satisfied with the course content, you have up to 7 days to request a refund provided that our records show you have completed less than 20% of the course. Refunds may take up to 10 business days to process and they are refunded the same way you paid. After this time, we do not provide refunds.

I recommend that you attempt to do the course in chronological order, however, if one particular section does not interest you, or does not seem to apply to you, please skip past it. Please feel free to access the modules based on your individual needs.

You can complete this course at our own pace and it is self-guided. I would recommend that you complete 2 to 3 hours per week to keep your momentum. Another alternative is to complete a specific section each week, such as the Career Dream Storm for example.

Yes. I recommend that you attempt to review and complete the course in chronological order to learn what is available, however, if a section does not seem relevant, please move onto the next section.

No. This course is an independent self-study program and it does not include any form of individualized answering of questions, nor is there any coaching, consulting, counselling or therapy as part of it. Questions related to your payment information may be directed to our customer service team. Our hours of operation are: Monday to Friday (MST: Mountain Standard time) between 9am - 5pm. We will respond within 24 hours on business days.

“The future depends on what you do today.”

Mahatma Gandhi